It's that time of year again, time to prove how smart you are when it comes to your knowledge of hockey prospects. The Pipeline Show is proud to present the 3rd edition of our annual hockey pool and once again our friends at Canadian Buzz Energy are stepping up to help us out.
The rules are easy: We give you 15 groups of 4 players, you pick one player from each group to make up your team. You name the team whatever you want, then email your entry to us at pipeup@thepipelineshow.com and that's it.

Every month we award a prize, (including a 4-pack of Beaver Buzz) for the top performing team and it all winds up in April with the awarding of the grad prize... a mini fridge from Beaver Buzz.
For complete rules and the details on which players are in which grouping this year, check out the website (here). And if you think that waiting until the last minute will give you an advantage, well forget about it! As always with the contest we run, any and all tie-breakers will go to the person who entered first so as the old cliche goes... don't delay, enter today!

In the next day or so Dean and I will reveal our teams... the rest of you can enter your teams whenever you want to but don't worry... we won't make those losing squads public!
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