Friday, March 7, 2008

Banner Contest

"Coming Down The Pipe!"

They're the first 4 words we utter on every edition of The Pipeline Show as we intro the program by verbally setting the table with the names of our guests for the evening. It's also the title we decided on for the Blog and we think it's a fine name. However, since starting up the blog I've come to the realization that there are 2 problems:

1) The top of our page here sucks... we need a fancy banner.

2) Dean and I are only slightly ahead of monkeys on the evolutionary scale meaning if one of use were to "create" a banner it would more than likely involve paper, crayons and a piece of scotch tape to strategically stick it on the monitor covering the monstrosity you currently see up there.

This is where YOU the loyal listener/reader comes in. We know that you photoshop geniuses can do a way better job than we ever could so we want you to design our banner by entering this new online contest.

Elements it must include are:

- The Pipeline Show logo
- The "Coming Down the Pipe!" blog name
- The show's Red, Black and White colour scheme

Other things that will help you win...

- something creative that tells people at a glance that this is a blog for a radio show.
- the cooler the graphics the better.
- somehow incorporating the time and day the show can be heard yet without making the banner look cluttered.
- Making Guy look more important than Dean. (ok, that one is a joke... probably)

That's about it. What's in it for you? How about a Pipeline Show hat or toque? If you live in the Edmonton area then perhaps there's a beer in it for you, if not, we'll mail out the lid of your choice.

If you have any questions or need the show's logo image, I have that and can supply to you with an email request that you send to

We'll leave the contest open until we get something good or at least better than what's up there now. Feel free to mention this on other blogs/messageboards/sites whatever.

Good Luck and please, help us to look like we know what we're doing here.


fakedarylkatz said...

I am not the guy to do this because my skills are at about the same level but I do know that you need even more help than you are asking for.

Suggestion. You need a whole new logo and web design. Start from scratch.

The way to do it is easy. Increase the value of the prize. Can you get a guy into the dressing room with you after a practice? Invite a guy to sit beside you while you do interviews at the prospect camp this summer, maybe? Let a guy sit in the room while you do your show and even ask a guest a question?

Any of these or similiar ideas would get you a lot of work from the talented and fanatical at HF.

The logo was fine back when you were unknown but now that you are famous it is time to upgrade the whole look.

Guy Flaming said...

The Oilers would not allow any of the ideas you presented. We've asked in the past about having a contest prize where someone could join us on the press catwalk for a game or come to a morning skate and were denied.

We could have someone come in studio and join us but... that would be a prize?

What's wrong with the TPS logo?

fakedarylkatz said...

Well, I am not a graphic designer but I do employ them for various projects. I'm not trying to be rude or anything. I just think it lacks imagination. You've got a GREAT name for the show and the graphic doesn't add anything to it and the colours need updating. I don't want to go all 'metro' on you but, of course, you know I have a background in publishing, I think you can do a lot better.

Sorry none of my ideas are plausible. I know getting to meet some prospects would be considered like gold for the guys at HF.

Guy Flaming said...

Colours: We went Red/Black/White simply because they are also the colours of the TEAM 1260 and we wanted some synergy there.

(plus, it means more black apparel which is good for that slimming factor!)

If we one day expand to other markets or satellite radio ro something, changing colours might make more sense.

Changing the logo, I'm not really against it per say, haven't talked to Deano about it though and he's got an opinion too.

Thanks though... if you;ve got logo designs in mind, feel free to send your napkin sketchings in!


Anonymous said...

Guy Flaming said...

funny, but not really helpful though.

J.P. said...

Anonymous said...

did you get anywhere with this? i have a new design intern starting in a couple of weeks and this is probably something he could whip up in a couple of hours.